Case Study of The Implementation of Gerontic Nursing Care in Diabetes Mellitus Patients with The Approach of The Care Family in Sekardangan Village, Sidoarjo
Gerontic Nursing Care, Knowledge Deficit, Diabetes Mellitus, Family Approach
Background: Diabetes mellitus is defined as a collective term for heterogeneous metabolic disorders characterized mainly by chronic hyperglycemia. The cause of diabetes mellitus is impaired insulin secretion or impaired insulin effect or it could be due to both. Objectives: This study aims to determine the application of gerontic nursing care for the elderly who suffer from Diabetes Mellitus with the approach of family members in Sekardangan Village, Sidoarjo. Methods: This research is a research that uses a descriptive research method with a mixed-method approach (qualitative and quantitative research). This research was conducted on 17-27 July 2022 in Sekardangan Village, Sidoarjo District, Sidoarjo Regency. This research was carried out by applying the care family according to the case. The sampling technique used is Convenience Sampling by setting inclusion criteria. For the results of the study, it was carried out by analyzing the data on gerontic nursing care that had been carried out and comparing the results of the two samples found in the field with the theory from the literature study. Results: Based on the results of the study, it was found that the level of understanding of the two respondents was still not good. This is evidenced when asked both respondents looked confused, when asked about what they know about Diabetes Mellitus both respondents answered diabetes is a disease of high blood sugar, patients do not know about the causes, complications, signs and symptoms as well as treatments that can be done on Diabetes Mellitus. With these data, the authors determined that the diagnosis of knowledge deficit related to lack of exposure to information became the main focus because the diagnosis was very suitable for the complaints and symptoms shown by the two respondents. Implementation of nursing carried out by researchers in the form of establishing a trusting relationship, providing explanations about Diabetes Mellitus, motivating respondents to live a clean and healthy life, and involving family members to support the treatment program undertaken by the respondent. Conclusion: The application of nursing care carried out to patients with Diabetes Mellitus who experienced a nursing diagnosis of knowledge deficit related to lack of exposure to information carried out by involving the family was well resolved, which was marked by an increase in respondents' understanding of Diabetes Mellitus and a decrease in misperceptions.References
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