Peer Review Process

All papers submitted to Indonesian Journal of Health Vocational Education undergo blind and peer review. In the dblind review process neither the reviewers nor the authors know the identity of each author. This enables unbiased and accurate review of the manuscript. In all cases, reviewers will be asked to declare any conflict of interest based on the contents of the manuscript.

After a manuscript is submitted, it is reviewed by a member of the Editorial Board. If the manuscript passes the editorial review, it is sent to reviewers for blind peer review. Each submitted manuscript will be reviewed by 2 external reviewers.

The reviewers are selected on the basis of their area of expertise and interests, if the reviewer accepts the offer to review the manuscript, they will be sent the complete manuscript and a Manuscript Review Form.

In all cases, reviewers will be asked to declare any conflict of interest based on the contents of the manuscript. If a conflict of interest exists, the reviewers are requested to decline to review the manuscript.

Please provide an objective critical assessment of the manuscript about the concept of the study, relevance in relation to current scientific knowledge, scientific content, language, and grammar. You will be asked to make a recommendation for publishing the manuscript. Please provide reasons for your recommendations.

If you believe that the manuscript needs changes for improvement before it is accepted for publication, please make the suggestions on how to improve it. If the comments are negative please help the authors in improving their manuscript by explaining weaknesses in scientific content or language. Any offensive language in the comments cannot be tolerated.

Based on the reviewer's comments the assigned editor will take a decision about the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript. The editor may decide to: 1) accept the manuscript without revisions, 2) invite authors to resubmit the manuscript after minor or major revisions while the final decision is kept pending, or 3) reject the manuscript.