Background: One manifestation of fluid balance disorders in patients with chronic kidney failure is edema, which if untreated can causes complications in various body systems including the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and hematology.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of ankle pumping exercise and leg elevation to edema reduction at patients with chronic renal failure in Mojokerto.Methods: The research design used was Quasi Experimental Design using the Non-Equivalent Control Group design. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling; the number of samples taken was 30.Results: The results stated in the ankle pumping exercise group and the leg elevation group, through the Wilcoxon test both showed a significant decrease in edema with a value of P = 0.001 (α = 0.005). In the comparison between ankle pumping exercise intervention and leg elevation, based on the Mann-Whitney test, P value = 0.248 (P> 0.05) which means there is no significant difference of the ankle pumping and the leg elevation to the decrease the grade of edema in patient’s chronic kidney failure.Discussion: Ankle pumping and leg elevation have the same level of effectiveness in reducing leg edema. So, we can choose the one of these which suitable for patient’s condition. Key words: Edema, ankle pumping exercise, leg elevation in 30⁰, chronic kidney failure.Referensi
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