• I Wayan Agus Maharyawan Institute of Technology and Health Bali
  • I Ketut Swarjana Institute of Technology and Health Bali
  • I Made Rismawan Institute of Technology and Health Bali
  • Gst. Kade Adi Widyas Pranata Institute of Technology and Health Bali
Keywords: Education related to anesthesia, nurse anesthetists, experience, obstacles in educating


Background: Effective communication is one of the competencies of nurse anesthetists; they must also play the role of educator to the patients, meaning that they have to disseminate knowledge related to anesthesia to the patients that will undergo the anesthesia process. The communication done by nurse anesthetists may help reduce patients’ anxiety and prepare patients for the post-anesthesia process. Objectives: This study explores the experience of nurse anesthetists in educating patients and families.  Methods: This study employed a phenomenological qualitative approach involving 12 nurse anesthetists in Bali. The inclusion criteria for respondents were nurse anesthetists working in the operating room and nurse anesthetists having STRPA and SIPPA. This study took place for 3 months in 2 hospitals. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 8 questions. Data collected using in-depth interviews were analyzed using the Colaizzi method.  Results: The themes that emerged from this study were “workload of nurse anesthetists”, “uncertainty in documentation results”, and “obstacles in educating patients on anesthesia” that included challenges from patients’ family members, patients, patient management systems, and nurse anesthetists.   Conclusion: Limited nurse anesthetists have caused an increased workload, so education related to anesthesia becomes insufficient. v


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How to Cite
I Wayan Agus Maharyawan, I Ketut Swarjana, I Made Rismawan, & Gst. Kade Adi Widyas Pranata. (2023). THE EXPERIENCE OF NURSE ANESTHETISTS IN EDUCATING PATIENTS AND FAMILIES: A QUALITATIVE STUDY . Nurse and Health: Jurnal Keperawatan, 12(1), 54-63.
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