There is currently a severe dearth of evidence-based nursing practice (EBNP) utilization among nurses. Because of this, it's essential to enhance nurses' professional skills through workshops and training. Enhancing nurses' capacity to deliver nursing interventions grounded in Evidence-Based Nursing Practice is the goal of this activity. The EBNP workshop is used to carry out the activity approach. The nurses at Dr. RSUD are participants in this activity, or one of its strategic target audiences. There were thirty persons in Sososdoro Djatikoesoemo Bojonegoro. The information is given through lectures, Q&A sessions, practica, field research, literature reviews, and searches. Results and debate come in third. Prior to training, most people's initial understanding of EBNP was quite inadequate; up to 19 individuals (76%). After participating in training sessions that included talks and worksheets on EBNP, it was discovered that the number of participants who started off with very little understanding had increased by 12 (44%). Three nurses (11%), whose expertise was initially inadequate, improved to good. In summary The asking phase, which involves creating clinical questions, has been accomplished by the nurse. In the first step, known as acquisition, participants seek for the best available data on the subject selected in accordance with the clinical question. In the third step, known as evaluation, participants critically evaluate the data they have found. Still, nurses are unable to perform the subsequent actions, which are Applying, Assessing, and Disseminating. It is advised.References
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