• Marlita Dewi Lestari Nursing Management Department, Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy
  • Alya Ainurokhmah Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy
  • Berta Lisna Suruklusy Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy
  • Diah Rahayu Ningsih Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy
  • Khoirul Anwar Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy
  • Putri Novia Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy
  • Riza Ismi Dwi Novalia Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy
  • Sri Wahyuni Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy


Menstrual Health Promotion Activities for Adolescent Women at the 2nd Junior High School of Buduran, Sidoarjo is a form of community service in the form of counseling aimed at growing and enhancing healthy behavior in adolescents, especially in recognizing the phase of menstruation in adolescent women. The implementation of these activities on December 4, 2018 took place at the 2nd Junior High School of Buduran, Sidoarjo. The target is 7th grade students of the 2nd Junior High School of Buduran, Sidoarjo. Before the activity is carried out, there is a process of compiling the activity for 3 weeks before the activity is carried out, starting from the selection of health counseling materials to the submission of licensing to the relevant parties. As an evaluation, the activity was attended by 44 students and 1 teacher, participants participated in the activity with enthusiasm and conducive, the activity can be carried out on time smoothly. Keywords: Women’s youth knowledge, health promotion, menstruation.


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How to Cite
Lestari, M. D., Ainurokhmah, A., Suruklusy, B. L., Ningsih, D. R., Anwar, K., Novia, P., Novalia, R. I. D., & Wahyuni, S. (2019). IMPROVING KNOWLEDGE OF ADOLESCENT WOMEN ABOUT MENSTRUATION THROUGH HEALTH PROMOTION. Community Service Journal of Indonesia, 1(2), 21-24.
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