International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy 2019-09-11T08:16:17+08:00 Kusuma Wijaya Ridi Putra Open Journal Systems <p>As the first held, the International Conference hosted by Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy, Sidoarjo focuses on improving the nursing care by gathering the academicians, practitioners, and researchers which have concern in health care services fields.</p> <p>The issues of community-based care have brought various considerations in many fields. The continuous health care services should sufficient and adequate distribution of resources, and expansion of health care policies. This conference covers a wide range of critically important sessions from hospital-based care to community-based care and continues to lead the way in integrating those healthcare in order to improve the clients’ quality of life.</p> <p>The scope of this International Conference is articles in the fields of health, public health, nursing (basic nursing, medical surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, maternity nursing, community health nursing, family nursing, emergency nursing, mental nursing, gerontic nursing, and also nursing management), and&nbsp;Psychological Sciences.</p> THE INFLUENCE OF FACILITIES AND HEALTH PERSONNEL FACTORS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF FAMILY HEALTH DUTIES IN CONTROLLING HYPERTENSION IN THE WORKING AREA OF THE PUCANG SEWU COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, SURABAYA, EAST JAVA 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Lembunai Tat Alberta Dwi Utari Widyastuti <p><strong>Background:</strong> Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition where there is an increase in blood pressure in the arteries and is one of the conditions that usually precedes heart and blood vessel disease. Hypertension control aims to help lower blood pressure and maintain blood pressure under normal conditions. Family health care is the level of public health care that is intended or focused on the family as a unit or unit that is cared for healthily as a service and care destination as an effort to prevent disease. Efforts to control hypertension in family members suffering from hypertension are carried out through family duties in the health sector, namely: recognizing hypertension problems, making appropriate decisions in dealing with hypertension problems, caring for family members suffering from hypertension, modifying the physical and psychological environment that supports the treatment of hypertension and utilizing health facilities to overcome hypertension problems. The implementation of family health duties is influenced by several factors including facilities and health workers.</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of facilities and health personnel factors on the implementation of family health tasks in controlling hypertension in the working area of Pucang Sewu Community Health Center, Surabaya, East Java.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This study uses a cross sectional design conducted in July 2018. The research subjects consisted of 120 family heads / family members who were selected by non-simple random sampling technique. Facilities and health personnel are family perceptions of the program and attitudes of health workers to control hypertension. Data on facilities and health personnel, the implementation of family health duties in controlling hypertension was obtained using questionnaires. Data was analyzed using the Pearson Correlation with significance α &lt; 0.05.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> Subject perceptions about facilities and health workers, almost all in the good category, 85.8%. The implementation of family health duties in controlling hypertension, mostly in the good category, 87.5%. There is a significant influence between facilities and health personnel factors on the implementation of family health tasks in controlling hypertension, based on the Pearson Correlation analysis showed a difference with a significant value <em>p</em> = 0,000 and significance level <em>α</em>&lt;0.05.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study showed a significant influence between the factors of facilities and health workers on the implementation of family health tasks in controlling hypertension.</p> 2019-08-11T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy THE EFFECT OF BREATHING EXERCISES: PURSED-LIPS BREATHING AND DIAPHRAGM BREATHING IN COPD PATIENTS 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Dwi Ananto Wibrata Reny Nur Afni Putri Faida Annisa Siti Nur Kholifah <p><strong>Background:</strong> Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is included in the four major non-communicable diseases that have a high mortality rate, which leads to high morbidity, lung disability and increased medical costs. Symptoms that appear in COPD patients are shortness of breath, coughing with or without phlegm, increased sputum production, and wheezing. An acute exacerbation of COPD event can be seen from the appearance of these symptoms repeatedly.</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> This study aimed to examine the effect of breathing exercises: pursed-lips breathing and diaphragm breathing in reducing the attack frequency of acute exacerbation in COPD patients.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The method of this research was quasi-experimental: two-group, pretest-posttest design with sample size 16 (8 respondents in each group). Data was analyzed using Mann-Whitney test with significance α &lt; 0.05.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> Analysis results with Mann-Whitney test was <em>p</em> = 0.00 (&lt; 0.05), which means there an effect of breathing exercises: pursed-lip breathing and diaphragm breathing on decrease the attacks in COPD patients.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Therefore, breathing exercise needs to be scheduled as therapy for COPD patients.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Breathing exercise, pursed-lips breathing, diaphragm breathing. 2019-08-11T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy AUTOGENIC RELAXATION FOR POSTOPERATIVE CAESAREAN SECTION PAIN IN RSAD KODAM V BRAWIJAYA SURABAYA 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Jufri Jufri Roby Aji Permana Ibnu Widagdo <p><strong>Background:</strong> Caesarean section contribute labor pain is no longer pain of childbirth is physiological but from cuts in the area of surgery. Postoperative pain that is felt by the patient is influenced by several factors including age, sex, attention, culture, the meaning of pain, anxiety, fatigue, coping styles and family support. When postoperative pain in patients not treated immediately will result in the patient rehabilitation process will be delayed, the patient becomes longer hospitalization, high complication rate and require more cost. In granting the nurses action in reducing pain, the nurse can provide non-pharmacological technique to reduce postoperative pain.</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> The purpose of this study was to exemine of autogenic relaxation on postoperative caesarean section pain in RSAD Kodam V Brawijaya.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The design of this study was experimental with one group pretest-posttest design. This study was conducted in RSAD Kodam V Brawijaya Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. This research was Mother's population in postoperative caesareann section in RSAD Kodam V Brawijaya Regional Surabaya. The sample in this study was 30 respondents with the sampling method using purposive sampling. The measuring instrument used was a manual procedure for autogenic relaxation and the observation sheets Numeric Rating Scale (NRS).</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The inferential analysis with Wilcoxon signed rank test found that p value (<em>sig.</em>) is 0.000 (α&lt;0.05). This result means that there is a significant difference in the pain scale before and after treatment autogenic relaxation techniques.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Autogenic relaxation can reduce postoperative caesarean section pain in RSAD Kodam V Brawijaya Surabaya.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Autogenic relaxation, pain, caesarean section, postoperative. 2019-08-11T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL THERAPIES TO IMPROVE PATIENT SLEEP QUALITY IN ICU/CCU: LITERATURE REVIEW 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Elfa Lailatul Izza <p><strong>Background:</strong> Sleep is one of the basic human needs. Good sleep quality can improve repair of the disease. Sleep disorders are common in inpatient patients at CCU and ICU. The use of sedative and hypnotic medicines can significantly improve the quality of sleep, but can cause a wide range of side effects.</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> The purpose of this review literature compares some of the research results on non-pharmacological therapies (eye masks, earplugs, music therapy, switching off lights, environmental modifications) in improving sleep quality to determine the best nursing action and safe to overcome patient sleep disorders by literature review and followed the PRISMA statement guidelines.</p><p><strong>Design:</strong> Search the article using the PICO framework in the database.</p><p><strong>Data Sources:</strong> Data sources included four electronic databases: Google Scholar, EBSCO, Science Direct, Scopus, MedLine, CINAHL, PubMed, and ProQuest, are limited to the last 10 years; 2007 to 2016</p><p><strong>Review Methods:</strong> Data synthesis with qualitative synthesis.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> This article review obtained 13 international journals with RCT design and quasi-experiments. Improved sleep quality can be done in several ways; Eye mask use, earplugs, music therapy, exposure and sound reduction, the transfer of the treatment schedule outside the bedtime, and combinations.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Review results show the most effective action locally applied to improve sleep quality i.e. lowering lighting and noise as well as switching of treatment schedules outside of bedtime as it is easy, safe, and not Require a fee. If the intervention has not been helped can be offered eye mask, earplugs, and or music according to the choice of patients, local culture, and facilities available in the hospital. Advanced research on patients outside the ICU/CCU with more sample counts, different age and condition characteristics, longer treatment duration, and using objective sleep quality gauge such as polysomnography.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Eye mask, earplug, music, ICU/CCU, sleep quality. 2019-08-11T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy EFFECT OF SEFT (SPIRITUAL EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE) THERAPY ON DECREASING LEVELS OF ANXIETY IN STUDENTS OF CLASS VIII SMP THAT WILL FACE MIDDLE SEMESTER EXAMS IN THE 4TH JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL OF MUHAMMADIYAH SURABAYA 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Sosilo Yobel <p><strong>Background:</strong> Students who will face an exam experiencing various psychological conditions that can cause students to become anxious. This anxiety can be due to demands from parents, school, social, even the perceptions of the students themselves related to information that has been received in preparing themselves for the exam. One of the actions that can be taken to reduce student anxiety is the therapy of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT).</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> The purpose of this study was the Effect of SEFT Therapy (<em>Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique</em>) on the Decrease of Anxiety Level in Class VIII Middle School Students Who Will Face the Middle Semester Examination of the 4<sup>th</sup> Junior High School of Muhammadiyah Surabaya.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The research design was <em>pre-experimental</em>, <em>one group pretest-posttest design. </em>The sample in this study was all junior high school students of class VIII-C who would face the Mid Semester Examination at the 4<sup>th</sup> Junior High School of Muhammadiyah Surabaya with 30 people taken by the technique <em>Total Sampling. </em>Data analysis using <em>the Wilcoxon Test, </em>namely SEFT therapy (<em>Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique</em>) to reduce anxiety levels.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> Based on the Wilcoxon Test the value of Z = -4,956 and the value of <em>p Value </em>= 0,000 so that (<em>p &lt;</em>α) so that H1 accepted H0 rejected means that there is influence of SEFT therapy (<em>Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique</em>) to decrease anxiety levels of students in class VIII who will face the exam Semester at the 4<sup>th</sup> Junior High School of Muhammadiyah Surabaya.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> SEFT therapy can be given to students who will face the test with the approach taken spiritually, discussion and interpersonal communication by knocking 18 key points in the human body is SEFT therapy <em>(Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique</em>). SEFT therapy can provide calmness to students psychologically.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> SEFT Therapy (<em>Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique</em>), anxiety, emotional. 2019-08-11T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy PERCEPTION OF YOUTH AGE PREGNANCY WITH STRESS FACING LABOR IN TRIMESTER III PREGNANT WOMEN IN COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER OF TANAH KALI KEDINDING SURABAYA 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Dewi Andriani <p><strong>Background:</strong> Pregnancy at adolescence is at high risk because it can cause fetal death. The reproductive system in adolescents is not ready for fetal growth and development. The first experience of labor is one of the causes of stress due to a lack of knowledge about the signs of labor and the severity of labor. Incomplete information, and not necessarily true, will lead to the perception that labor is a negative, frightening, and dangerous thing. Feeling anxious about something they will experience during labor so that it can cause stress which will affect the labor process.</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between perceptions of pregnancy and stress in facing labor.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This type of research uses the method <em>correlation analytic</em> conducted in April 2018, the population and samples of third trimester teenage pregnant women, the dependent variable perceptual and independent stress, this study used a total sampling technique, the measuring instrument used the questionnaire and used the test <em>chi square</em>.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The results of the statistical test show that p-0.00 (α &lt;0.05) indicates that H0 is rejected so that there is a strong relationship between the perception of pregnancy and stress facing labor.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Mothers who have positive perceptions or perspectives about pregnancy give rise to positive perceptions so that they do not experience stress or only experience mild stress that will help smooth the delivery process.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Perception Pregnant, Teen, Stress, Delivery. 2019-08-11T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy EFFECTS OF USE OF RED GINGER COMPRESS ON PAIN IN ELDERLY THAT SUFFER URAT ACID: CASE STUDY 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Mustayah Mustayah Sarah Dwi Anggraeni <p><em>Arthritis gout </em>is a disease that happen because of deposition crystals of sodium urate in joint that caused inflammation. This Inflammation cause pain that can make disturbing our activity. A warm red ginger compress is a one of method that can be done for reducing the pain that cause by arthritis gout. Because of red ginger contain of active components, the components consist of gingerol, ginger Dione and zingerones that has anti-inflammatory effect. The purpose of this research is to know painful of elderly who are sufferer of arthritis gout after got a warm red ginger compress. This research used case study method. To collect the data, the researcher used interview and observation. The research subject is 2 elderly who sufferer of arthritis gout. The result of the research is found that both of subject included in scale of mild pain and moderate pain. After got a warm red ginger compress, pain that felt by both subject turn into a good change. Both of them experienced a decrease in pain until pain scale 0 (no pain).</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Painful, elderly, <em>arthritis gout</em>, a warm red ginger compress. 2019-08-11T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EDUCATIONAL LEVEL AND EARLY BREASTFEEDING SIDE MEAL IN GEMURUNG VILLAGE SIDOARJO REGENCY 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Nurul Pujiastuti Binarti Dwi Wahyuningsih <p><strong>Background:</strong> Breastfeeding is the best meal for baby, in fact there’s so many mothers give another meal for their baby before they are ready enough to received another meal. Educational level influence ability of taking information about nutrition. Society with low eduactional level is stronger in defencing tradition associated with meals, thus really difficult to take new information about nutrition so they give early breastfeeding side meal to the babies under 6 months.</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> This research aimed to determine relationship between educational level and early breastfeeding side meal in Gemurung Village Sidoarjo Regency.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This research uses design correlation analysis with cross sectional approach. The population in this study are all of mothers who have under 6 months baby in Gemurung Village Sidoarjo Regency in Nopember 2017 as many as 40 people. The sampling technique used is total sampling.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The results suggets that most of respondents have moderate educational level, ie 57.5% respondents, and almost all of mothers give early breastfeeding side meal, i.e. 77.5%. All of mother with lower educational level give early breastfeeding side meal to their baby, it means that getting lower educational of mother raise the giving of early breastfeeding side meal to the babies.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Early breastfeeding side meal giving influenced by uncomfort babies factor, mother knowledge about nutrition, education, work, and explotion of baby meal product promotion.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Early breastfeeding side meal, educational level, mother. 2019-08-11T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy BRAIN GYM IMPROVES COGNITIVE FUNCTION FOR ELDERLY WITH DEMENSIA 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Suhari Suhari Anggia Astuti Primasari Mahardhika Rahmawati Musviro Musviro <p><strong>Background:</strong> Dementia is a combine of clinical symptoms caused by various background diseases and is characterized by loss of short-term memory, global disorders, mental functions (including language functions), withdrawal of abstract thinking skills, difficulty in caring for himself, behavioral changes, emotional instability and loss of time recognition and place. Brain gym is one of the exercises to improve cognitive performance on elderly with dementia.</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> This study was to determine the effect of brain gym on cognitive performance on elderly with dementia in Social Service Unit Tresna Werdha Jember.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> A Quasy Experimental design was done to conduct 30 elderly with dementia were recruited using purposive sampling divided into 2 groups, experimental and control group. The independent variable of research this study was brain gym and the dependent variable was cognitive function at elderly. Data were collected by using MMSE score and then analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with level of significance α ≤ 0.05.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The results identified a significant influence between the implementation of Brain Gym to improve cognitive function in the elderly with dementia.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Brain gym increase cognitive performance on elderly with dementia.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Elderly, brain gym, cognitive function, dementia. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy THE EFFECT OF COLD COMPRESS ON PAIN IN MUSCLE INJURY AFTER COLLECTION OF LOADS IN THE JM FITNESS CENTER, KAPAS MADYA VILLAGE, KENJERAN SUBDISTRICT, SURABAYA 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Rina Budi Kristiani <p><strong>Background:</strong> Sports have become very popular among people today, someone who exercising can experience muscle injuries that will cause pain. Actions to deal with pain in muscle injury is one of them is <em>cutaneous stimulation</em> by providing cold compress therapy. The benefits of giving cold compresses are to reduce inflammation, reduce bleeding into the tissue, and reduce muscle spasms and pain.</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> The aim of the study was to determine the effect of giving cold compresses on pain in muscle injury after weight training.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The research design used was <em>quasi-experimental </em>with a sample of 40 respondents divided into two groups, the control group and the intervention group in the JM Fitness Center, Kapas Madya Village, Kenjeran Sub-District, Surabaya, which was taken by <em>total sampling technique</em>. Scale measurements use the <em>Numeric rating scale </em>(NRS).</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The Wilcoxon test results obtained <em>p</em> = 0.000, which indicates there is an influence of cold compresses on pain in muscle injury after exercising weight.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The implication of the results of this study is that giving cold compresses on a regular basis can have a significant effect on reducing pain in muscle injury after weight training.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Pain, muscle injury, cold compress. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy DIFFERENCE METACOGNITIVE SKILLS WITH ACHIEVEMENT INDEX IN NURSING STUDENTS DIPLOMA IN LUMAJANG 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Achlish Abdillah Indriana N. Istiqomah Laili Nur Azizah <p><strong>Background:</strong> To realize active and independent learning need concrete ways of learning strategy and direction. According to O'Neill and Brown in Usman, Mulbar (2008) argued that metacognition is the process whereby a person thinks about thinking to develop strategies to solve problems. With metacognitive learner can build a new plan for the operation of metacognition in learning-centered planning, problem-solving, and evaluation during a learning activity. Nursing students should apply the metacognitive ability to earn achievements.</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> The purpose of this study wanted to study the differences in student achievement are used with no use of metacognitive skills when performing activities of student learning.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The design used is a cross-sectional comparative study. The population is all students of Diploma in Nursing in Lumajang totaled 3 275 people taken by simple random sampling. They measure devices in the form of a questionnaire. Analysis of continuous data sample characteristics describes as mean, SD, minimum, maximum in the frequency, and percent. Differences in metacognitive skills with student achievement index analyzed by paired sample t-test.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> There are differences in student achievement that using metacognitive skills with who do not use metacognitive skills while doing the learning activities indicated significance value of 0:00 with a 95% confidence interval.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Metacognition ability one can be used to improve the achievement of students. Learning techniques need to be implemented to stimulate metacognitive skills, and when students accustomed to applying metacognitive skills while learning the understanding of learning, especially in nursing science will increase.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Metacognitive, achievement index, student. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy THE COMPARISON BETWEEN PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE RELAXATION AND SLOW DEEP BREATHING EXERCISE ON BLOOD PRESSURE IN HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Muhammad Ikhwan Agus Setyo Utomo Tri Nataliswati <p><strong>Background:</strong> There has been an epidemiological transition in which non-communicable diseases dominate compared to infectious diseases. One of the fastest growing non-communicable diseases is hypertension. Non-pharmacological treatment that can be done, is progressive muscle relaxation and slow deep breathing. In hypertensive patients, it is recommended to regulate pattern of breath and recommended for those who feel restless, but do not use in lowering blood pressure. Likewise, muscle relaxation in general only use for bed rest and never given special relaxation to lower blood pressure.</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> This study aims to analyze the differences in blood pressure of hypertension sufferers who are given progressive muscle relaxation and slow deep breathing.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This research was conducted on May 24 - July 2, 2018, <em>Quasi-experimental design with Non-Equivalent Pretest-Posttest Design and Comparisons Group design.</em> Sampling technique used is <em>Non-Probability </em>with <em>Consecutive</em> with 48 samples.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> This research concluded that there was no significant difference between the progressive muscle relaxation group and slow deep breathing against decrease blood pressure with the results <em>p value </em>(0.273).</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Many factors can be influencing this result that is age, education, (history of hypertension &amp; time suffering from hypertension), (smoking history, duration, and number of packs / day), stress level and hypertension medication.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Blood pressure, progressive muscle relaxation, slow deep breathing. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy CADRE’S EMPOWERMENT AND COUNSELING IN INCREASING SOCIETY’S BEHAVIOR ABOUT CONTENT AND EFFECT OF PESTICIDES ON FRESH VEGETABLES 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Nurul Hidayah <p><strong>Background:</strong> The growing health problem in Indonesia is a cancer, one of causes is that food which is consumed containing carcinogenic. Society’s knowledge is very dominant affected toward action/behavior which is done toward choice, food processing which is consumed in daily, especially highlanders who really like consuming fresh vegetable. Unconsciously, by improper processing, pesticide or other chemical substances containing in vegetable which is in human body. It is still underestimated by the public, even health officer, it can be known from health counseling especially about health-food of free pesticide or the proper steps is very rare to be done.</p><p><strong>Objectives:</strong> Through community service we want to give knowledge about pesticide with purpose in order to change society’s behavior about content and effect of pesticide on fresh vegetable in Sumberngepoh to be better.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The community service using lecture method, discussion, role play, and mentoring the cadres and Sumberngepoh society, that was held on September- November 2016. Analysis data used frequency distribution.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> From the result of community service obtained were as many as 48 counseling participants with the pre-test score 46.8 and post-test score 87.94. The result is a significant increase in knowledge of 0.000 with t score=16.9. While 95% CI between -46.8 – -36.7, meant the effect was strong because it was not passing number 1; giving treatment can increase 3-4x knowledge compared with not to be given.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Based on the evaluation result could be concluded that participants of counseling were very enthusiast toward materials which explained. And also, they would implement in their home. The activity was so beneficial to increase knowledge and improve society’s behavior in processing fresh vegetable toward pesticide.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Health education, knowledge, behavior content and pesticide effect of fresh vegetable. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy PROACTIVE PUBLIC HEALTH APPROACH TO PREVENTION OF OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE ON FARMERS IN LUMAJANG 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Eko Prasetya Widianto Arista Maisyaroh Rizeki Dwi Fibriansari <p><strong>Background:</strong> Occupational Disease is a disease caused by work, work tools, materials, processes, and work environment. Safe work behavior is a systematic application of someone to work on safety issues in the workplace to avoid work-related illnesses. Through the Proactive Public Health Approach, it is expected to be able to prevent Occupational Diseases.</p><p><strong>Objective:</strong> This study aimed at analyzing the relationship between occupational disease and proactive public health approaches in Lumajang District.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This research is quantitative research, which used a descriptive-analytic study with cross-sectional. The sample in this study was 164 respondents from February until May 2019, with the sampling method using purposive sampling. Data presented in the form of Spearman's Rho Correlation test 0.05 statistical test with a value of α.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> Based on the results of data analysis by most respondents (50.6%), the proactive public health approach is a category, and having an occupational disease is often a category (54.3%). The results of data analysis used Spearman's Rho showed that p-value = 0.001 with correlation coefficient r = 0.674 means the level of relationship is a strong category.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Trauma and pesticides cause problems of occupational diseases that arise often. Farmers are expected to pay more attention to the method or method of using and preventing occupational diseases. So, the role of nurses or Occupational Health Nursing (OHN) in agriculture must be increased.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Occupational illness, pro-active public health approach, farmer. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy INDIVIDUAL HEALTH BELIEFS ABOUT OSTEOPOROSIS ON ADULT SELF-CARE BEHAVIOR IN MOJO SURABAYA 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Jujuk Proboningsih Aida Novitasari Anita Joeliantina Masamah Almahmudah Sri Hardi Wuryaningsih <p><strong>Background:</strong> Osteoporosis occurs due to imbalance between new bone formation and bone resorption resulting decline in bone mass so that bones become prone to fracture. Person with osteoporosis should have good health beliefs toward their illness in which affect to how they do self-care properly.</p><p><strong>Objective:</strong> This was a descriptive study that aim to identify the individual characteristics and health beliefs about osteoporosis on adult self-care behavior.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The sample was 30 adults with osteoporosis in community that selected by simple random sampling technique. The data analysis using PLS (Partial Least Square). The variable in this study were the individual characteristics, individual health beliefs about osteoporosis, and their self-care behavior.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The data analysis using PLS (Partial Least Square) got three points; there were significantly influence of individual characteristics toward their health beliefs (t = 2.20, &gt; 1.96), significantly influence of individual health beliefs toward their self-care behavior (t = 3.90, &gt; 1.96), and influence of individual characteristics toward their self-care behavior (t = 0.34, &gt; 1.96).</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Nurses should educate the community about osteoporosis including perceptions of susceptibility and severity, barriers, benefits and self eficacy about a healthy diet, activity (exercise) and decreased risk. Control program that is comprehensive, integrated, lifelong and gradually implemented urgently needed to overcome this.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Osteoporosis, health beliefs, self-care behavior. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy THE IMPORTANT OF SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR QUALITY OF LIFE PEOPLE WITH SPINAL CORD INJURY: A PERSPECTIVE 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Aby Yazid Al Busthomy Rofi’i <p>Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is one of the most overwhelming events for the sufferer and their family. It is a medically complicated and life-disrupting condition. In the past, SCI related to very high mortality rates. Nowadays, the evolution of the medical technology and advance care are transforming the situation. Better medical services give the people that suffer SCI more ability to survive, live and flourish after the devastating injury (Maholtra, Bhatoe, &amp; Sudambekar, 2010; WHO, 2013). However, it is not a simple situation for restoring their condition after the life-changing incident.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Key words:</strong> Social support, quality of life, spinal cord injury, perspective</p> 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy PARENTAL BEHAVIORS IN INFLUENCING DENTAL CARIES OCCURRENCE AT THE FIRST AND SECOND GRADERS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Anggraini Dwi Kurnia Nur Melizza Nur Lailatul Masruroh Chandra Dewi Kusumaningtyas <p><strong>Background:</strong> In 2007-2013, the prevalence of dental caries occurrence in Indonesia was reportedly high. No less than 63% of Indonesian people, especially children, had suffered from the mouth and dental diseases; one of which was dental caries. Parental behaviors were suspected as the most influencing factor to affect the level of the mouth and dental cleanliness on children. Those behaviors included cognitive (knowledge), emotion (attitude), and conative (skill) aspects.</p><p><strong>Objective:</strong> This research is intended to investigate parental behaviors that influence dental caries occurrence at elementary school students.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This research constitutes cross-sectional research through purposive-sampling technique, with the use of logistic regression test.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The results of two-fold logistic regression test had indicated that skill aspect resulted in 0.003 of p-value and 0.197 of OR, which defined that skill had contributed to dental caries occurrence with 19.7% of the degree of contribution.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The components of parental behaviors for dental care comprised some key aspects, such as knowledge, attitude, and skill. Out of the three, poor parental skill was allegedly more influencing upon dental caries occurrence at children.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Parental behaviors, caries knowledge, dental caries, elementary school students. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy THE EFFECT OF DIABETIC FEET SPA THERAPY TO BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL AND SLEEP QUALITY OF DIABETES MELLITUS PATIENT 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Erika Martining Wardani Lono Wijayanti Nur Ainiyah <p><strong>Background:</strong> Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of metabolic disease disorder marked by the emergence of hyperglycemia. The effect of hyperglycemia is the blood glucose going up and sleep disorder. The non-pharmacological management can be done is diabetic feet spa therapy to prevent hyperglycemia.</p><p><strong>Objective:</strong> The purpose of this study is to analyzes the effect of diabetic feet spa to blood glucose and sleep quality of DM patient.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This study employing Quasy Experiment pre post control group design method. Population in this study are 41-50 years old of DM Type 2 patients. Sample that used are 60 respondents, then divided into intervention group and control group, sampling technique with simple random sampling. Data collection applied diabetic feet spa observation sheet; instrument that used is glucometer to assess blood glucose level and assess sleep quality using PQSI questionnaire. Data analyzed with Wilcoxon and t test with α = 0.05.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> Result of the study showed that there are differences on sleep quality on group who given intervention diabetic feet spa and control group p value = 0,000&lt;α (0,05) and finding a difference on blood glucose level to group who given diabetic feet spa intervention and control group (t = 12,34; p value = 0,000).</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Diabetic feet spa able to smoothing the blood circulation, lowering muscle tone stiffness, relax, feel refresh, analgesic and sedative effect. Those effect able to improving blood glucose level and sleep quality. Diabetic feet spa is recommendable for non-pharmacological therapy in sleep quality and blood glucose level on patient DM type 2.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Diabetic feet spa, blood glucose level, sleep quality. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy SELF-EFFICACY AND SELECTED DEMOGRAPHICS AS DETERMINANTS OF THE FAMILY BEHAVIOR ON EXAMINATION FOR PATIENTS WITH TUBERCULOSIS IN PAMEKASAN 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Ahmadi Ahmadi Arif Rahman Hakim <p><strong>Background:</strong> Tuberculosis is still a global health problem, particularly in Pamekasan. The family support to do examination for patient with tuberculosis is inadequate. There was a limited literature exploring the factors associated with the Family Behavior on Examination for Patients with Tuberculosis.</p><p><strong>Objective:</strong> This study aimed to analyze the correlation between self-efficacy, demographics and Family Behavior on Examination for Patients with Tuberculosis in Pamekasan.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This research was conducted through cross-sectional design. A number of 379 respondents were invited from 8 clinics using a two-stage cluster sampling. This study was conducted from December 2016 to August 2017. The Bivariate analysis was tested using Chi-square while multivariate analysis was examined through logistic regression.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The most respondents who did not do examination for patient with Tuberculosis was &gt; 50 years old and have low level of education. The bivariate analysis showed that only self-efficacy and education level have relationship with the behavior of self-examination among family of patients with Tuberculosis (<em>p</em>-value &lt; .05). The positive relationship indicates that the higher score of self-efficacy and education level the greater the effort of family to do examination for patient with Tuberculosis (<em>p</em>-value &lt; .05).</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The self-efficacy and level of education have significant influence toward the behavior of self-examination, therefore it can be reference for health practitioner and researcher to promote health behavior among family of patient with Tuberculosis.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Behavior, family, self-examination, self-efficacy, tuberculosis. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy THE RELATIONSHIP OF INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS AND NURSES CARING BEHAVIOR IN JOMBANG GENERAL HOSPITAL 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Sylvie Puspita Ardiyanti Hidayah <p><strong>Background:</strong> Public demands for the quality of health service increase highly and become the responsibility of hospitals. One factor affecting the quality of health services is nurses in providing nursing care (Mailani, 2017).</p><p><strong>Objective:</strong> The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between individual characteristics with nurses caring behavior at Jombang General Hospital.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The research design used in this research is correlation analytic with cross sectional approach. The population used was all nurses in 4 internal rooms of the Jombang General Hospital with total sampling technique. The number of samples in the study were 58 nurses. The instruments used were questionnaires and analysis tests using Spearman-Rank.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The results showed that the majority of respondents were 38 female respondents (65.5%), 35 respondents aged 3-45 years (55.2%), 40 respondents educated d3 nursing (70.7%), 47 respondents are married woman (81%), 21 respondents are working 1-5 years (36.2%). There are 45 respondents (77.6) have Nurse caring behavior. Based on Spearmen-Rank test results, there is a relationship between age and nurses caring behavior with Sig. (2-tailed) 0.03 &lt;0.05 and there is also a relationship between the length of work and the Sig. (2-tailed) 0.01 &lt;0.05.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The good caring nurse behavior towards patients will improve the quality of hospital services and a good image for the hospital itself. This is because most of the number of employees in the hospital are nurses and automatically the most services are also provided by nurses.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Caring, nurse, individual characteristics. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy COGNITIVE STIMULATION THERAPY ON ELDERLY WITH DEMENTIA IN PANTI WERDHA PANDAAN, PASURUAN 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Elok Triestuning, S.Psi., M.Si Berliany Venny Sipollo <p><strong>Background:</strong> Everyone will experience an aging process that lead to the vary emotionals feeling and conditions. Periods from birth to death including to sequences of unpredictable life events that relate to physical maturation and carrying out age-related roles in which need preparation to bear the new role and the new situation (Little William, 2014).</p><p><strong>Objective:</strong> The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of cognitive stimulation therapy on Elderly with Dementia in Panti Werdha Pandaan, Pasuruan.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. There were two groups, experimental and control group. The experimental group received Cognitive Stimulation Therapy within 2 weeks. Before and after the intervention, both group measured their cognitive functions by using the Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE). Researcher assissted by four volunteers to do the pre and post test. Data entry and statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 18. The significant level of statistical tests was set at 0.05. descriptive and t-test statistics were used. Kolmogorov-Smirnov was used to test for normal distribution. Paired t-tests assessed the differences in cognitive ability mean scores at pre-test and post-test within the experimental and control groups. Independent t-test assessed the difference in cognitive ability mean scores from pre-test to post-test between experimental and control groups.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The results showed that the experimental group post test scores are much higher than pre-test (<em>p</em> = 0.000). it means an increase in cognitive function after being given CST. In control group there are differences in pre-test and post-test scores bit the differences is not significant (<em>p</em> = 0.547).</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study focuses on the administration of CST in elderly with mild to moderate dementia. The hope is to provide CST therapy then there will be an increase in cognitive function.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Cognitive stimulation therapy, dementia, elderly. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy THE EFFECT OF PIPER BETLE LEAF EXTRACT LOTION TO OLDER PEOPLE SKIN MOISTURE 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Oda Debora Betty Dwi Kartikasari <p><strong>Background:</strong> Elderly has obvious anatomic and physiological changes in all of their body systems. Some of common skin problems are xerosis, the appearance of skin folds, skin damage due to moisture problems, and impaired wound healing. There is one alternative skin care that can be applied and has been scientifically reviewed such as utilization of green betel leaf (<em>Piper betle</em> L.). This plant is scientifically proven to have antibacterial activity.</p><p><strong>Objective:</strong> The aim of this study is to provide an alternative skin care for elderly people who are frequently in contact with urine and faecal using betel leaf.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The research design used in this study was quasi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test approach in the treatment group.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> Statistical analysis showed that the water content of the skin in the control group showed a result of p = 0.325 (p&gt; 0.05) and the oil content in the control group showed a result of p = 0.783 (p&gt; 0.05). It can be concluded that there is no significant effect between bathing in the normal way with the level of skin moisture. The treatment group showed that the water and oil content had a value of p = 0,000 (p &lt;0.05).</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Based on the results of research and discussion it can be concluded that the administration of betel leaf extract lotion (<em>Piper beetle</em>) significantly influences the skin's moisture.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Skin moisture, piper beetle, older people. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy APPLICATION OF CLASSIFICATION AND REGRESSION TREE (CART) ON LIFE INDEPENDENCY BASED ON FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY AND HEALTH CONDITION OF OLDER ADULTS IN KASIN VILLAGE BARENG HEALTH CENTER, MALANG 2019-09-09T07:32:13+08:00 Wisoedhanie Widi Anugrahanti Oda Debora <p><strong>Background:</strong> The independence of life in the older adults is very dependent on the ability of the to adjust themselves to the changes that occur. Health conditions, social conditions and economic conditions are factors that have a relationship with the independence of the older adults. The Joint Health Center is one of the health service facilities in Klojen Sub-district of Malang city that provides health services for the older adults.</p><p><strong>Objective:</strong> This study aims to identify the independence of the older adults in Kasin Village, the Work Area of the Bareng Health Center in Malang City in fulfilling daily activities based on health conditions and functional capacity of the older adults.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The design of this study was cross-sectional study with older adults’ respondents aged 60 years and over in Kasin village, 142 of the Bareng Health Center working areas, taken randomly. The instruments used were IADL, AMT, GDS along with a research questionnaire. Data were analyzed by CART method using Salfold Predictive Modeller.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The classification results show that 78.2% of the older adults are classified as independent. CART analysis shows that the daily menu consumed by the older adults is the best sorting variable with the highest goodness of split value of 0.1125041, use of stairs 0.1045829, daily physical activity 0.0826270, and current health perception 0.0813413. The accuracy value obtained is 95.83%, the sensitivity value is 82.88% and the specificity value is 87.10%.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Daily menu consumed by the older adults and current perceptions of health are variables that contribute to the independence of the older adults based on health condition factors, while the use of stairs, daily physical activity, home improvement are functional capacities that contribute to the independence of the older adults.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Classification, CART, independence, older adults. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy THE EFFECT OF BOILED GINGER DRINK JAHECANG ON BLOOD PRESSURE REDUCTION IN HYPERTENSION PATIENTS IN THE HAMLET OF BABAN AROSBAYA VILLAGE AROSBAYA DISTRICT BANGKALAN REGENCY 2019-09-09T08:00:19+08:00 Anik Supriani Nabila Aisyah Andinata Winda Maulidia Yanti Sutomo Sutomo Nasrul Hadi Purwanto Edy Siswantoro <p><strong>Background:</strong> Blood pressure was the power needed for blood to flow in blood vessels and circulate in all tissues of the human body. The Lack of physical activity can result in a variety of complaints, characterized by a decrease in pulse rate and a decrease in the amount of blood pumped in each beat. Treatment of hypertension was divided into two namely pharmacology and non-pharmacology. Pharmacological management for hypertension was the provision of antihypertensive with the aim of preventing hypertension complications with the smallest possible side effects. </p><p><strong>Objective:</strong> The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an effect of giving ginger drink to reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension in Baban Hamlet, Arosbaya Village, Arosbaya District, Bangkalan Regency.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The research design uses Quasy Experiment with pre-test and post-test control group design. The population was 21 respondents. Samples taken with the technique of Random Sampling, amounting to 20 respondents. The research data was taken by observation of blood pressure, after tabulating data obtained using Independent T-Test with a significance level of 0.05.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> Research shows that the experimental group that was given the ginger drink got a value of 154.44 mmHg with a change in value of 131.11 mmHg. Whereas in the control group which was not given ginger drink got a value of 153.00 mmHg with a change in value of 142.00 mmHg. From the statistical test results obtained 0.000 because of the sign value (2-tailed) &lt;0.05, the hypothesis of research H0 is rejected and H1 was accepted, meaning that there was an influence of ginger drink on reducing blood pressure in patients with hypertension in Baban Hamlet, Arosbaya Village, Arosbaya District Bangkalan.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The ginger drink there are several components and compounds that can reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. Potassium which can affect the effects of diuretics resulting in an increase in intracellular Na and affect vasodilation of blood vessels so that blood vessels circulate smoothly resulting in a decrease in blood pressure.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Ginger drink, blood pressure, hypertension. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy CORRELATION BETWEEN MENSTRUAL PAIN AND LEVEL OF CORTISOL AMONG NURSING STUDENT OF NAHDLATUL ULAMA UNIVERSITY, SURABAYA 2019-09-09T08:02:02+08:00 Yurike Septianingrum Nety Mawarda Hatmanti <p><strong>Background:</strong> The stress faced by the final student due to the demands of completing a thesis on time triggers the activation of the HPA axis so that it can increase the secretion of the cortisol produced by the adrenal cortex. Increased cortisol secretion increases uterine muscle contraction thereby aggravating menstrual pain.</p><p><strong>Objective:</strong> The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation between cortisol levels and menstrual pain in nursing students of Nahdlatul Ulama University, Surabaya (UNUSA).</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This study is an analytic observational with cross sectional approach. Population of this study were all nursing students who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The subjects of this study were 46 people selected through purposive sampling. Data was collected through observations with VAS and cortisol laboratory results. Data were analyzed by using Spearman rank test.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The results showed that: 1) All students experience menstrual pain 2) Cortisol levels in all students are still in the normal range 3) There is a correlation between cortisol levels with menstrual pain (<em>p</em> = 0.009).</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Increasing cortisol levels are followed by aggravating menstrual pain. Future research is expected to examine other factors that cause menstrual pain in final semester students.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Endorphin massage, menstrual pain, primary dysmenorrhea. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy MONTHLY INCOME OF FAMILY, EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, KNOWLEDGE, AND EATING BEHAVIORS AMONG PEOPLE WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS IN SIDOARJO 2019-09-09T08:25:50+08:00 Kusuma Wijaya Ridi Putra Chanandchidadussadee Toonsiri Suwanna Junprasert <p><strong>Background:</strong> Many factors can influence the choice of food and diet of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, including personal dimensions (socioeconomic, educational level, and knowledge), behavioral pattern, and environmental characteristics (Savoca and Miller, 2001).</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aimed to describe and examine the relationship between monthly income of family, educational level, knowledge, and eating behaviors among people with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Sidoarjo.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The design of this study used a cross-sectional method to measure the relationship of several variables. The population in this study were all diabetics in the working area of the Sidoarjo Community Health Center. The sampling technique used is cluster random sampling. The total of samples in this study were 117 respondents with inclusion criteria, among others aged 20-60 years, can read, and want to participate in this study. Data collection using demographic data questionnaire (DDQ) for monthly income of family and educational level, eating behavior is measured by self-management dietary behaviors questionnaire (SMDBQ), and knowledge is measured by diabetes knowledge questionnaire (DKQ). The data of this study was analyzed using Pearson Correlation with significance α ≤ .05.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> Based on the results, it found that educational level, monthly income of family, and knowledge had positive relationship with eating behaviors (r = .60, <em>p</em> &lt; .001; r = .61, <em>p</em> &lt; .001; r = .33, <em>p</em> &lt; .001, respectively). Educational level and monthly income of family had positive relationship with knowledge (r = 21, <em>p</em> &lt; .05; r = .31, <em>p</em> &lt; .001, respectively). And also, educational level had positive relationship with monthly income of family (r = .63, <em>p</em> &lt; .001).</p><p><strong>Discussion:</strong> With the results of this study, health workers are expected to create programs to improve eating behavior in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus that are adjusted to the condition of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Eating behaviors, monthly income of family, educational level, knowledge, type 2 diabetes mellitus. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy RELATION BETWEEN FAMILY SUPPORT AND ANXIETY IN PREOPERATIVE PATIENTS IN INDONESIA 2019-09-09T08:26:21+08:00 Faida Annisa Deny Suhermanto <p><strong>Background:</strong> Preoperative procedures as the part of perioperative period should be taken place completed and proper regarding to the patients’ needs. Once the patient has decided to be operated, they may experience unpleasant feeling created by the prospect of surgery. Therefore, nurse involves all available support at the first place including the family support for patients.</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> This descriptive correlational study aimed to examine the family support relate to anxiety of patients undergoing surgery in Indonesia.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> A 36 patients undergoing surgical in Delta Surya Hospital Sidoarjo participated on this study and were assessed their perceived of family support using Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) questionnaire and their anxiety level using The Personal Resource Questionnaire (PRQ) 2000. The data of this study was analyzed using Spearman’s rho analysis with significance α ≤ .05.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> Spearman’s rho analysis reported there was a negative correlation between perceived family support and anxiety level, which was statistically significant (<em>r </em>= -0.543, <em>p</em> = 0.001, &lt; 0.05).</p><p><strong>Discussion:</strong> The attachment of family before surgical would decrease the patient’s anxiety level. Implementation of preoperative education and psychosocial intervention shoud be addressed in order to achieve the expected perioperative patients outcomes.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Family support, preoperative’s anxiety, patients undergoing surgery. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy ISSUES AND TRENDS IN NURSING ADMINISTRATION: NURSING STAFF SHORTAGE 2019-09-10T04:02:23+08:00 Faith Kanini Mutisya <p>Nursing shortage is an internationally recognized crisis and the biggest challenge in achieving the health system effectiveness. This paper sought to review literature on issues and trends in nursing administrations. Conceptual Framework for Nurse Shortage; Nursing Role Effective model, community-based model and Moos and Schaefer (1993) integrative conceptual framework and Donabedian (1980) were used to guide the study. The findings revealed that nurse staffing is associated with both nurse and patient negative outcomes. It was recommended that an improvement to nurse’s work environments and an increase in incentives may retain nurses in the profession and also attract young people into the profession.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Nursing administration, nursing staff, health system, nursing shortage. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy THE INFLUENCE OF PASSIVE RANGE OF MOTION (ROM) ON LOWER EXTREMITY IN POSTOPERATIVE PATIENTS WITH SPINAL ANESTHESIA IN RUMKITBAN SIDOARJO 2019-09-10T04:03:47+08:00 Meli Diana Ainul Yachin <p><strong>Background:</strong> Patients to be operated will receive anesthesia, one of which is spinal anesthesia. Patients who receive spinal anesthesia are usually transferred to the recovery room to stabilize the condition. Some actions that can increase venous return and normal blood circulation flow, one of which is the action of range of motion exercises (ROM).</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of passive range of motion exercises (ROM) on the motor response of the lower extremity in postoperative patients with spinal anesthesia in Rumkitban Sidoarjo.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This study used a Quassy experimental design with a one group pretest-posttest approach. The number of samples were 25 people and collected using incidental sampling techniques. The data obtained were then analyzed using the Wilcoxon test with p ≤ 0.01.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> As many as 80% of postoperative patients with spinal anesthesia who are given passive range of motion exercises (ROM) can achieve Bromage score 2 in the first 2 hours after surgery. Wilcoxon test results indicate that the p value (0,000). The conclusion of this study is that passive range of motion exercises (ROM) can improve the lower limb motoric response in postoperative patients with spinal anesthesia.</p><p><strong>Discussion:</strong> The main task of nurses in the recovery room is to observe blood pressure, respiratory status, oxygen saturation, and level of consciousness. In addition, nurses must apply passive range of motion exercises to postoperative patients to accelerate the patient's recovery from the effects of anesthesia.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Passive Range of Motion, lower limb motoric response. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LEVEL OF ANXIETY HEMODYNAMIC STATUS (PULSE) IN PATIENTS PRE SECTIO CAESARIA OPERATIONS IN A UNIT OF THE CENTRAL SURGICAL (UBS) OF MUSLIM HOSPITAL OF SITI HAJAR, SIDOARJO 2019-09-10T04:06:30+08:00 Agus Sulistyowati Agus Wiyono <p><strong>Background:</strong> Most women want to do surgery Sectio Caesarea for avoiding pain and for ease of parturition. The most common response in patients with preoperative one of which is a response to psychological (anxiety), mental patients who will be facing surgery should be prepared because there is always the possibility of anxiety and fear (Stuart in Hand, et al, 2014).</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study was to identify the Relationship Research methods anxiety with hemodynamic status (Pulse) patient preoperative Sectio Caesarea in the Central Surgery Unit of Muslim Hospital of Siti Hajar, Sidoarjo.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> Research type is quantitative with correlational research design using Cross Sectional. In this study rated independent and dependent variables simultaneously at one time so there is no follow-up (Nursalam, 2014). This study will link between the level of anxiety with the hemodynamic status (Pulse). This study using incidental sampling technique of sampling. The population are the womwnt who will to partution sectio Caesaria operation at the Central Surgical Unit (UBS) of Muslim Hospital Siti Hajar Sidoarjo on April 5 to May 5, 2018. Research tool used include HARS questionnaire used as a measure of anxiety, Hamilton Anxiety (HARS) with a total of 14 statements and the total value of 56.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The majority of respondents are severe anxiety was to Pulse at 14 people (23.3%), while a small portion of respondent’s anxiety level is severe anxiety with the Pulse is equal to 3 (5%). Based on the analysis using analysis <em>Kendall's Tau</em> note that the p value 0.000 is smaller than α (0.05) means that there is a relationship between the level of anxiety in Pulse.</p><p><strong>Discussion:</strong> Anxiety is felt to increase the sensitivity to a stimulus that overreact in the circulatory system that cause the veins and small blood vessels to constrict very strong and than held in response to the pulse (Semiun, 2010).</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Sectio Caesarea, pulse. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy NURSE’S EFFORTS TO TRANSFORM OF NURSE ROLES IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE FROM PROMOTIVE TO CURATIVE IN MANAGING PATIENTS WITH ACS IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE MALANG REGENCY, EAST JAVA, INDONESIA 2019-09-11T08:00:34+08:00 Dini Prastyo Wijayanti Kumboyono Kumboyono Titin Andri Wihastuti Septy Dewi Racmawati <p><strong>Background:</strong> Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is a sudden reduction disorder in the coronary bloodstreamthat is life-threatening and as a source of morbidity and mortality. Nurses n Primary Health Care have an important role for health problems in the community in a preventive, curative, and rehabilitation. This requires that the role nurses not only do promotive actions but also curative in handling patients with ACS.</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study was to explore nurses in primary healt care had an important role to transform from promotive but also curative managing Patients with ACS in Primary Health Care.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This research used qualitative method with descriptive-phenomenological approach by using the process of analysis of Clark and Brown, 2013.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> Four themes were successfully obtained from 8 participants, namely: Efforts to improve quality, Harmony team in Collaboration, The Need for improving nurse quality, Multi-working of nurse with additional duty.</p><p><strong>Discussion:</strong> The implementation of emergency care services at the primary health care was based on the nurses' awareness of roles in providing holistic nursing care to patients with ACS related to prompt and appropriate relief in order to save the lives of patients. The role of nurses from the focus to the community was promotive but now requires nurses to have good skills in curative actions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop nurses' skills to continue to improve the service of patients with ACS in the primary health care so that they can become the first level of health services that are relied on by the community.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Nurses role, Acute Coronary Syndrome, Emergency Nursing, Primary Health Care. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NURSE PERFORMANCE AND INPATIENT SATISFACTION IN THE JASMINE ROOM OF DELTA SURYA HOSPITAL, SIDOARJO 2019-09-11T08:01:52+08:00 Marlita Dewi Lestari Fitria Ningsih <p><strong>Background:</strong> The quality of health services is a level of service perfection that is carried out in accordance with established standards of ethics in order to increase satisfaction for each patient. Nurse performance is the work of nurses in the form of actions or practices that are easily observed or assessed. By improving the performance of nurses, the quality of service in the hospital will significantly continue to provide satisfaction to patients and the community.</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> This descriptive correlational study aimed to identify the relationship between patient satisfaction and nurse’s performance, especially in hospitalized patients.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> A 35 hospitalized patients in Delta Surya Hospital Sidoarjo participated on this study and were assessed their perceived of nurse performance using Independent Variable questionnaire and their satisfaction level using Dependent Variable. This questionnaire instrument uses two types of statements, positive statements and negative statements, each 24 items.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> SPSS results that an Asymp.Sig (2-sided) value of 0,000 was seen. Because the Asymp.Sig (2-sided) value &lt;0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between nurse performance with patient satisfaction.</p><p><strong>Discussion:</strong> Customer satisfaction occurs when needs, wants, and their expectation can be fulfilled. And nursing services by wholeheartedly, equally regardless of rank, ethnicity, race, religion or profession will have an impact on patient satisfaction.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Patient satisfaction, nurse performance, inpatient room. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy AWARENESS ON HEALTH EFFECTS OF SMOKING AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL CHILDREN IN BANGLADESH 2019-09-11T08:03:00+08:00 Jebunnahar Jebunnahar Happy Bandana Biswas Sazzad Hossain Shariful Islam <p><strong>Background:</strong> Trends of smoking among the secondary school children have been increasing across the globe. According to Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS), in Bangladesh about 3% secondary school children were tobacco smokes and 2% students were cigarette smoke in Bangladesh, whereas, globally 21% secondary school students were smoked tobacco.</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study is to assess the awareness on health effect of smoking among secondary school children.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> A descriptive correlational study was conducted among 98 secondary school children who were read in class nine and ten in rural area. Convenience sampling technique was used to select the study participants. Data was collected by self-administered structured questionnaire. Descriptive analysis such as – frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation was used to describe the sample characteristics. The Pearson product moment correlation co-efficient, two sample t-test and ANOVA test were used to describe the relationship among variables.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> A total 98 students in the age group of 14-17 years mean age 15.3 (.840) years. The awareness level on health effects of smoking mean score was 3.17(.290) relatively high among the participants. The result also revealed that age (p=.036), sex (p=.033), class (p=.000), parents’ marital status (p=.047) and friend smokers (p=.023) were statistically significantly correlated with students’ level of awareness on health effects of smoking.</p><p><strong>Discussion:</strong> The findings of the study indicate that majority of the students were highly aware on harmful health effects of smoking. Despite high awareness level of effects of smoking</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Awareness, health effects, smoking, secondary school children. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE OF WEANING AMONG BANGLADESHI LACTATING MOTHER 2019-09-11T08:04:01+08:00 Kamrun Naher Happy Bandana Biswas Sazzad Hossain Hee Soon Kim <p><strong>Background:</strong> Weaning is the introduction of food and fluids than breast milk and the transition to a solid diet along with breast milk. It’s gradually starting around the age of 6 months. Weaning is a best process involving nutrition; immunological, biochemical and psychological adjustments.</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The aim of the study was to explore the level knowledge and practice of lactating mothers’ regarding weaning in Bangladesh.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> A descriptive study was conducted at three EPI centers in Noakhali Municipality, Noakhali. A purposive sampling technique was used to recruit the sample that has 6 - 12 months of aged baby. The estimated sample size was 120 lactating mothers. Researcher was use developed questionnaires these are socio-demographic characteristic of mothers, mothers’ knowledge related information regarding weaning, mothers’ practice related information regarding weaning. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, <em>t</em>- test and Pearson co-relation. Significance level 0.05 was considered in this study.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The mean age of the mothers was 25.18, (SD ± 4.32). Most of the subjects were Muslim. The results revealed that the lactating mothers reported moderate level of total knowledge, with the mean score was 16.13 ± 4.32 and the low level of total practice, mean score was 2.83 ±.27. There were significant factors related to knowledge level were:<em> </em>non-Muslim mothers’ <em>(p =</em> <em>.</em>05<em>),</em> higher educated (<em>p </em>= .03), get information from relative/others (<em>p </em>= .05), and start weaning (<em>p = </em>.01). Significant factors related to practice were older mothers’ age (<em>p </em>= .002), having baby more than one (<em>p </em>= .05) and having older child age (<em>p </em>= .001), higher educated (<em>p =</em> .008), and period of weaning <em>(p </em>= .01). There was no relationship between total knowledge and total practices of weaning among lactating mothers’ (r<em> </em>= .02, <em>p </em>= .82).</p><p><strong>Discussion:</strong> The findings of this study indicated that the mothers who had higher education, more than two babies, and non-Muslim mothers especially were high knowledge and practice regarding weaning. Therefore, the nurses and other health care provider should consider the following characteristics like low educated mothers, prime mothers, starting of weaning, and Muslim mothers especially. Thus, we can prevent of our infant mortality and morbidity regarding weaning practices in Bangladesh as well as abroad.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Knowledge, practices, lactating mother, infant, weaning. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy ANKLE PUMPLING EXERCISE AND LEG ELEVATION IN 30O HAS THE SAME LEVEL OF EFFECTIVENESS TO REDUCING FOOT EDEMA AT CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE PATIENTS IN MOJOKERTO 2019-09-11T08:15:15+08:00 Prastika Prastika Supono Supono Sulastyawati Sulastyawati <p><strong>Background:</strong> One manifestation of fluid balance disorders in patients with chronic kidney failure is edema, which if untreated can causes complications in various body systems including the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and hematology.</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of ankle pumping exercise and leg elevation to edema reduction at patients with chronic renal failure in Mojokerto.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> The research design used was Quasi Experimental Design using the Non-Equivalent Control Group design. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling; the number of samples taken was 30.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> The results stated in the ankle pumping exercise group and the leg elevation group, through the Wilcoxon test both showed a significant decrease in edema with a value of P = 0.001 (α = 0.005). In the comparison between ankle pumping exercise intervention and leg elevation, based on the Mann-Whitney test, P value = 0.248 (P&gt; 0.05) which means there is no significant difference of the ankle pumping and the leg elevation to the decrease the grade of edema in patient’s chronic kidney failure.</p><p><strong>Discussion:</strong> Ankle pumping and leg elevation have the same level of effectiveness in reducing leg edema. So, we can choose the one of these which suitable for patient’s condition.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Edema, ankle pumping exercise, leg elevation in 30⁰, chronic kidney failure. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy NURSE MOTIVATION IN ADMISSION A NEW PATIENTS AT MENUR PSYCIATRIC MENTAL HOSPITAL SURABAYA 2019-09-11T08:16:17+08:00 Suprianto Suprianto Hadi Purwanto Krisnawati Krisnawati <p><strong>Background:</strong> Mental disorders are defined as mental states that make people unable to relate to reality (Stuart, 2016). Mental disorder is a disease that is becoming and becoming a global trend globally, 1 in 4 people suffer from mental disorders both in developed and developing countries.</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study was to explore the motivation of nurses in the admission of new patients at Menur Psychiatric Mental Hospital Surabaya.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This type of research is a qualitative research with an interpretive phenomenological approach. Information was obtained by interviewing 12 nurses as participants in the activity of admitting new patients.</p><p><strong>Results: </strong>Nurses are encouraged to engage in new patient admission activities influenced by two external factors, namely the existence of competence and autonomy that has the value of incentives and internal factors, namely the drive within themselves to maintain the quality of nursing services and maintain social relations with superiors.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Discussion:</strong> Mastery expertise and skills of the new admissions nurse are needed to strengthen the independence of the nursing team leader in conducting new patient admissions and the nursing team members' self-understanding of their involvement in the social environment of the patient care room to foster initiative to engage in the process of admission a new patient.</p><p> </p><strong>Key words:</strong> Admission of new patients, competence, autonomy, social relations. 2019-09-07T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2019 International Conference of Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy