• Ahmadi Ahmadi Nursing Academy of Nazhatut Thullab Sampang
  • Arif Rahman Hakim Nursing Academy of Nazhatut Thullab Sampang


Background: Tuberculosis is still a global health problem, particularly in Pamekasan. The family support to do examination for patient with tuberculosis is inadequate. There was a limited literature exploring the factors associated with the Family Behavior on Examination for Patients with Tuberculosis.Objective: This study aimed to analyze the correlation between self-efficacy, demographics and Family Behavior on Examination for Patients with Tuberculosis in Pamekasan.Methods: This research was conducted through cross-sectional design. A number of 379 respondents were invited from 8 clinics using a two-stage cluster sampling. This study was conducted from December 2016 to August 2017. The Bivariate analysis was tested using Chi-square while multivariate analysis was examined through logistic regression.Results: The most respondents who did not do examination for patient with Tuberculosis was > 50 years old and have low level of education. The bivariate analysis showed that only self-efficacy and education level have relationship with the behavior of self-examination among family of patients with Tuberculosis (p-value < .05). The positive relationship indicates that the higher score of self-efficacy and education level the greater the effort of family to do examination for patient with Tuberculosis (p-value < .05).Conclusion: The self-efficacy and level of education have significant influence toward the behavior of self-examination, therefore it can be reference for health practitioner and researcher to promote health behavior among family of patient with Tuberculosis. Key words: Behavior, family, self-examination, self-efficacy, tuberculosis.


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