• Jujuk Proboningsih Nursing diploma 3 program study at Campus Sutomo, Surabaya Health Ministry Polytechnic
  • Aida Novitasari Nursing diploma 3 program study at Campus Sutomo, Surabaya Health Ministry Polytechnic
  • Anita Joeliantina Nursing diploma 3 program study at Campus Sutomo, Surabaya Health Ministry Polytechnic
  • Masamah Almahmudah Nursing diploma 3 program study at Campus Sutomo, Surabaya Health Ministry Polytechnic
  • Sri Hardi Wuryaningsih Nursing diploma 3 program study at Campus Sutomo, Surabaya Health Ministry Polytechnic


Background: Osteoporosis occurs due to imbalance between new bone formation and bone resorption resulting decline in bone mass so that bones become prone to fracture. Person with osteoporosis should have good health beliefs toward their illness in which affect to how they do self-care properly.Objective: This was a descriptive study that aim to identify the individual characteristics and health beliefs about osteoporosis on adult self-care behavior.Methods: The sample was 30 adults with osteoporosis in community that selected by simple random sampling technique. The data analysis using PLS (Partial Least Square). The variable in this study were the individual characteristics, individual health beliefs about osteoporosis, and their self-care behavior.Results: The data analysis using PLS (Partial Least Square) got three points; there were significantly influence of individual characteristics toward their health beliefs (t = 2.20, > 1.96), significantly influence of individual health beliefs toward their self-care behavior (t = 3.90, > 1.96), and influence of individual characteristics toward their self-care behavior (t = 0.34, > 1.96).Conclusion: Nurses should educate the community about osteoporosis including perceptions of susceptibility and severity, barriers, benefits and self eficacy about a healthy diet, activity (exercise) and decreased risk. Control program that is comprehensive, integrated, lifelong and gradually implemented urgently needed to overcome this. Key words: Osteoporosis, health beliefs, self-care behavior.


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