• Nurul Hidayah Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Malang


Background: The growing health problem in Indonesia is a cancer, one of causes is that food which is consumed containing carcinogenic. Society’s knowledge is very dominant affected toward action/behavior which is done toward choice, food processing which is consumed in daily, especially highlanders who really like consuming fresh vegetable. Unconsciously, by improper processing, pesticide or other chemical substances containing in vegetable which is in human body. It is still underestimated by the public, even health officer, it can be known from health counseling especially about health-food of free pesticide or the proper steps is very rare to be done.Objectives: Through community service we want to give knowledge about pesticide with purpose in order to change society’s behavior about content and effect of pesticide on fresh vegetable in Sumberngepoh to be better.Methods: The community service using lecture method, discussion, role play, and mentoring the cadres and Sumberngepoh society, that was held on September- November 2016. Analysis data used frequency distribution.Results: From the result of community service obtained were as many as 48 counseling participants with the pre-test score 46.8 and post-test score 87.94. The result is a significant increase in knowledge of 0.000 with t score=16.9. While 95% CI between -46.8 – -36.7, meant the effect was strong because it was not passing number 1; giving treatment can increase 3-4x knowledge compared with not to be given.Conclusion: Based on the evaluation result could be concluded that participants of counseling were very enthusiast toward materials which explained. And also, they would implement in their home. The activity was so beneficial to increase knowledge and improve society’s behavior in processing fresh vegetable toward pesticide. Key words: Health education, knowledge, behavior content and pesticide effect of fresh vegetable.


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