• Achlish Abdillah Nursing Diploma Program, University of Jember
  • Indriana N. Istiqomah Nursing Diploma Program, University of Jember
  • Laili Nur Azizah Nursing Diploma Program, University of Jember


Background: To realize active and independent learning need concrete ways of learning strategy and direction. According to O'Neill and Brown in Usman, Mulbar (2008) argued that metacognition is the process whereby a person thinks about thinking to develop strategies to solve problems. With metacognitive learner can build a new plan for the operation of metacognition in learning-centered planning, problem-solving, and evaluation during a learning activity. Nursing students should apply the metacognitive ability to earn achievements.Objectives: The purpose of this study wanted to study the differences in student achievement are used with no use of metacognitive skills when performing activities of student learning.Methods: The design used is a cross-sectional comparative study. The population is all students of Diploma in Nursing in Lumajang totaled 3 275 people taken by simple random sampling. They measure devices in the form of a questionnaire. Analysis of continuous data sample characteristics describes as mean, SD, minimum, maximum in the frequency, and percent. Differences in metacognitive skills with student achievement index analyzed by paired sample t-test.Results: There are differences in student achievement that using metacognitive skills with who do not use metacognitive skills while doing the learning activities indicated significance value of 0:00 with a 95% confidence interval.Conclusion: Metacognition ability one can be used to improve the achievement of students. Learning techniques need to be implemented to stimulate metacognitive skills, and when students accustomed to applying metacognitive skills while learning the understanding of learning, especially in nursing science will increase. Key words: Metacognitive, achievement index, student.


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