• Suhari Suhari Diploma 3 Program of Nursing, Jember University
  • Anggia Astuti Diploma 3 Program of Nursing, Jember University
  • Primasari Mahardhika Rahmawati Diploma 3 Program of Nursing, Jember University
  • Musviro Musviro Diploma 3 Program of Nursing, Jember University


Background: Dementia is a combine of clinical symptoms caused by various background diseases and is characterized by loss of short-term memory, global disorders, mental functions (including language functions), withdrawal of abstract thinking skills, difficulty in caring for himself, behavioral changes, emotional instability and loss of time recognition and place. Brain gym is one of the exercises to improve cognitive performance on elderly with dementia.Objectives: This study was to determine the effect of brain gym on cognitive performance on elderly with dementia in Social Service Unit Tresna Werdha Jember.Methods: A Quasy Experimental design was done to conduct 30 elderly with dementia were recruited using purposive sampling divided into 2 groups, experimental and control group. The independent variable of research this study was brain gym and the dependent variable was cognitive function at elderly. Data were collected by using MMSE score and then analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with level of significance α ≤ 0.05.Results: The results identified a significant influence between the implementation of Brain Gym to improve cognitive function in the elderly with dementia.Conclusion: Brain gym increase cognitive performance on elderly with dementia. Key words: Elderly, brain gym, cognitive function, dementia.


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