• Nurul Pujiastuti Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Malang
  • Binarti Dwi Wahyuningsih Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Malang


Background: Breastfeeding is the best meal for baby, in fact there’s so many mothers give another meal for their baby before they are ready enough to received another meal. Educational level influence ability of taking information about nutrition. Society with low eduactional level                is stronger in defencing tradition associated with meals, thus really difficult to take new information about nutrition so they give  early breastfeeding side meal to the babies under 6 months.Objectives: This research aimed to determine relationship between educational level and early breastfeeding side meal in Gemurung Village Sidoarjo Regency.Methods: This research uses design correlation analysis with cross sectional approach. The population in this study are all of mothers who have under 6 months baby in Gemurung Village Sidoarjo Regency in Nopember 2017 as many as 40 people. The sampling technique used is total sampling.Results: The results suggets that most of respondents have moderate educational level, ie 57.5% respondents, and almost all of mothers give early breastfeeding side meal, i.e. 77.5%. All of mother with lower educational level give early breastfeeding side meal to their baby, it means that getting lower educational of mother raise the giving of early breastfeeding side meal to the babies.Conclusion: Early breastfeeding side meal giving influenced by uncomfort babies factor, mother knowledge about nutrition, education, work, and explotion of baby meal product promotion. Key words: Early breastfeeding side meal, educational level, mother.


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