• Mustayah Mustayah Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Malang
  • Sarah Dwi Anggraeni Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Malang


Arthritis gout is a disease that happen because of deposition crystals of sodium urate in joint that caused inflammation. This Inflammation cause pain that can make disturbing our activity. A warm red ginger compress is a one of method that can be done for reducing the pain that cause by arthritis gout. Because of red ginger contain of active components, the components consist of gingerol, ginger Dione and zingerones that has anti-inflammatory effect. The purpose of this research is to know painful of elderly who are sufferer of arthritis gout after got a warm red ginger compress. This research used case study method. To collect the data, the researcher used interview and observation. The research subject is 2 elderly who sufferer of arthritis gout. The result of the research is found that both of subject included in scale of mild pain and moderate pain. After got a warm red ginger compress, pain that felt by both subject turn into a good change. Both of them experienced a decrease in pain until pain scale 0 (no pain). Key words: Painful, elderly, arthritis gout, a warm red ginger compress.


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