• Lembunai Tat Alberta Soetomo Nursing Study Program, Surabaya Ministry of Health Polytechnic
  • Dwi Utari Widyastuti


Background: Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition where there is an increase in blood pressure in the arteries and is one of the conditions that usually precedes heart and blood vessel disease. Hypertension control aims to help lower blood pressure and maintain blood pressure under normal conditions. Family health care is the level of public health care that is intended or focused on the family as a unit or unit that is cared for healthily as a service and care destination as an effort to prevent disease. Efforts to control hypertension in family members suffering from hypertension are carried out through family duties in the health sector, namely: recognizing hypertension problems, making appropriate decisions in dealing with hypertension problems, caring for family members suffering from hypertension, modifying the physical and psychological environment that supports the treatment of hypertension and utilizing health facilities to overcome hypertension problems. The implementation of family health duties is influenced by several factors including facilities and health workers.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of facilities and health personnel factors on the implementation of family health tasks in controlling hypertension in the working area of Pucang Sewu Community Health Center, Surabaya, East Java.Methods: This study uses a cross sectional design conducted in July 2018. The research subjects consisted of 120 family heads / family members who were selected by non-simple random sampling technique. Facilities and health personnel are family perceptions of the program and attitudes of health workers to control hypertension. Data on facilities and health personnel, the implementation of family health duties in controlling hypertension was obtained using questionnaires. Data was analyzed using the Pearson Correlation with significance α < 0.05.Results: Subject perceptions about facilities and health workers, almost all in the good category, 85.8%. The implementation of family health duties in controlling hypertension, mostly in the good category, 87.5%. There is a significant influence between facilities and health personnel factors on the implementation of family health tasks in controlling hypertension, based on the Pearson Correlation analysis showed a difference with a significant value p = 0,000 and significance level α<0.05.Conclusion: This study showed a significant influence between the factors of facilities and health workers on the implementation of family health tasks in controlling hypertension.


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