• Faida Annisa Psychiatric Nursing Department, Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy
  • Deny Suhermanto Psychiatric Nursing Department, Kerta Cendekia Nursing Academy


Background: Preoperative procedures as the part of perioperative period should be taken place completed and proper regarding to the patients’ needs. Once the patient has decided to be operated, they may experience unpleasant feeling created by the prospect of surgery. Therefore, nurse involves all available support at the first place including the family support for patients.Purpose: This descriptive correlational study aimed to examine the family support relate to anxiety of patients undergoing surgery in Indonesia.Methods: A 36 patients undergoing surgical in Delta Surya Hospital Sidoarjo participated on this study and were assessed their perceived of family support using Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) questionnaire and their anxiety level using The Personal Resource Questionnaire (PRQ) 2000. The data of this study was analyzed using Spearman’s rho analysis with significance α ≤ .05.Results: Spearman’s rho analysis reported there was a negative correlation between perceived family support and anxiety level, which was statistically significant (r = -0.543, p = 0.001, < 0.05).Discussion: The attachment of family before surgical would decrease the patient’s anxiety level. Implementation of preoperative education and psychosocial intervention shoud be addressed in order to achieve the expected perioperative patients outcomes. Key words: Family support, preoperative’s anxiety, patients undergoing surgery.


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